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What's in that brown ammo box?
You've seen it in almost every picture. It's a box of paintball grenades. These grenades are designed after the Meteor Shower grenade. They sold around $7 a piece. I don't believe that you can buy them anymore. They have been replaced by the Atomic Ordance Big Boy grenades. They basically are the same but use amber latex tube that becomes transparent when streaches to reveal the color of the paint inside. Mine are made of black latex tube and have either white, red/orange, blue, or a blue/gray paint fill. The place I ordered the paint from sent a mix of colors. The leftover red/orange paint mixed with yellow and blue(which should of made green) and turned into the blue/gray color. It'll work. Over all, the total cost per grenade is about $2 each. I got a crate of 24!

I had some leftover paint so I decided to make a giant grenade and tossed it in the street. The tube ended up at the red arrow. The red line marks the outer most area of the paint spray.(See pic) The regular size grenades will actually mark better because they aren't as heavy and will bounce better. I'll put a video of one going off on here shortly. Total weight on the crate, 50.4lbs.



Inside Crate


Giant Grenades

Going Off

Going Off

Going Off

Going Off