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Lawgiver Bazooka:
These are my M-72"Lawgiver" Bazookas. They are able to shoot sabot shotgun rounds of about 30-35 paintballs. The black one runs on a 12gram CO2 cartridge. After testing, I found that the paintballs would not break unless shot in an high arc. The green one is a Constant Air model and is run off of a tank. It will break the paintballs at any angle. It has a bigger expansion chamber then the 12 gram model giving it more power and range. The Lawgiver is designes after the Vietnam Era "LAWS" Rocket. It is built inside the "Military Bazooka" toy. These are very hard to find anymore.
12 Gram Model: "Retired"
CA Model: "Active"

Ammo Harness
I also made a harness to hold 8 bazooka sabot rounds.

WW2 M1A1 Bazooka
The M1A1 Bazooka was a 2.36in anti-tank weapon that fired a rocket propelled shaped charge. Completed in about 1, very long, sleepless week, I finished it an hour before I left for the game. It fires a NERF Pocket Vortex football. It worked great. I was close enough to the tanks where I didnt need it but I need to put some kinda rear sight on it. I wanna modify it to blow smoke when it fires. Currentlt I can fire Nerf rounds, Paint rounds, or Shot Gun rounds. Due to some "dumb ass" Skirmish's insurance company banned Homemade bazookas in 08'. I'm tring to find a legal way around the ban for next year.

12 Gram Lawgiver Bazooka

Left Side

Right Side

CA Lawgiver Bazooka

Left Side

Right Side

Ammo Harness

Right Side

M1A1 Bazooka

Under Construction

Left Side

Right Side

Bazooka Crate

Inside Bazooka Crate