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What's going on?
Stuff Thats Up
Friday, 23 March 2007
What's Going On
Mood:  a-ok

This is a WW2 sachel charge. If you seen Windtalkers, you'll know what I'm talking about. Mine doesn't actually explode, but it sure sounds like it. It runs on Co2 or compressed air and has a pull cable "igniter" similar to the WW2 version. I've built and tested the prototype and now I'm waiting for the parts to come. I'm gonna try to figure a way to make it blow smoke when it goes off. I've talked to them, and after I demonstrate it to the people at Skirmish, they will probably let me use it to blow stuff up at the games.

Posted by Roguesniper at 2:23 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 March 2007 3:19 AM EDT
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