Finally, with a score of 104-98, THE ALLIES WIN!!! This brings the overall score to 5-4 Germans. Hopefully, in the decade game of 2011 the allies will even up the score.
Keep tabs on the Rogue Sniper Paintball 1/2 Scale Sherman Tank build on YouTube or on the player below. New update videos are added every month.
Had a good game this year and the BAR worked great! I'll be posting some helmet/gun cam videos shortly along with last years videos. I didn't take a lot of pictures this year. I played too much and forgot about the camera. I do have a few posed shots that came out nice though.
Go to SKIRMISH @ and check out their pics.
I.O.N. 2010 had over 3500 players this year.
I am a 9 year veteran of the Skirmish USA D-Day/Invasion Of Normandy Games
I decided to make this page and dedicate it to the world of the paintball sniper. I'm still working on the tactics page. Their is a lot of info to concider for this so it'll be a while. For now, I've added some good links.
What You Will Find Here
Informaion on and about sniping, tactics, a little about me, my equipment, experiences, and recomendations, and some tips to becoming a better sniper. Also, loads of pictures and video clips from my games.