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Stuff Thats Up
Wednesday, 22 February 2006

I'm getting their. The barrel looks too short doesn't it. Overall, the barrel is 22 3/8" long. Rusty's Paintball Gear has a 23" Spyder thread barrel. With a Spyder to 98 adapter thats about 25 1/4". Just about right. The 21" barrel has that crome part on it that just pisses me off. I guess I could just deal with it. But anyways, I'm making some pretty good progress on it. The barrel is sitting lower than I want it to (lower than it should be) because the design of the paintball gun. I couldn't do anything with it because of that rod that connects the bolts. I finished the trigger guard/mag guide. I also finished the bump on the back. Next, it's on to the charging handle as you can see by the tape. I've contacted Ohio Ordenance again because, the replica being as screwed up as it is, I want to make sure things are as close as possible. These guy have been a big help.

Posted by Roguesniper at 4:25 AM EST
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